Nili Museum- Beit Aaronsohn
“Nili” – Story of the First Jewish Underground Acronym for: ‘ Netzach Israel Lo Yishaker ‘- The Eternity of Israel will not deceive. (Samuel 1, 15.29)
The story of the ‘N.I.L.I.’ is bound with the story of the Aaronsohn family, one of the founding families of Zichron Ya’akov (1882), in the Yishuv which was part of the Ottoman Empire at that time. During World War 1, the rule became oppressive and cruel, threatening the very existence of the Jewish settlements in Eretz Israel.
Address: Hameyasdim 40, Zichron Yaákov
Phone: +972-4-639-0120
Sunday – Thursday 09:00 – 16:00
Friday 09:00 – 12:00